tom_2_2 发表于 2013-1-16 13:00:49

XDS510 链接错误


Can't Initialize Target CPU:
Error 0x80002240/-171
Fatal Error during: Initialization, OCS, Control,
This error was generated by TI's USCIF driver.

The wrong controller port value has been used.
A controller cannot be detected even though the
selected port does match the hardware configuration.
The standard 560 ports are 0x0, 0x1, 0x2 and 0x3.
The standard EVM ports are 0x0, 0x1, 0x2 and 0x3.
The standard DSK ports are 0x378, 0x278 and 0x3BC.
The standard 510 ports are 0x240, 0x280, 0x320 and 0x340.

I/O Port = 240

Board Name: C5416 XDS510 Emulator
Cpu Name: CPU_1

Abort:                Close Code Composer Studio.
Retry:                Try to initialize the target again.
Ignore:                Ignore the initialization error and start
                without target debugging access.
Diagnostic:        Run diagnostic utility.

monkerman 发表于 2013-1-16 13:12:00

1. 配置对不对?
2. 断电重启试试?
3. 重启电脑试试?
4. 重新安装驱动试试?
5. 不行就换块板子看行不行? 确定是不是510坏了.
我就是这么捯饬好的. 具体不知道啥原因.{:mad:}

sleet1986 发表于 2013-1-16 13:29:37


tom_2_2 发表于 2013-1-17 13:00:55

1.    EMU0 EMU1是否要加5k的上拉电阻?我的板上没有那2个电阻,是否对链接有影响
2.    我使用的是DSP5416 CLKMD1 CLKMD2 CLKMD3 应该配置成什么状态?当前我设置成001。
3.    上面的脚MP/MC=0 复位脚 JTAG脚除此之外应该没有引脚会对仿真器链接有影响了吧
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