lvhaian 发表于 2014-5-26 17:33:21

mach4 测试版出来啦! 啦啦啦

mach4 测试版本官网提供下载啦。

将分三个版本啦, 最便宜的 200刀, 工业版本 1000-2000 刀。

Versions / Products
Mach4 Lite – A basic solution with limited support for OEM’s who manufacture small CNC machinery for the consumer market. This software is geared toward 3-axis, desk top machines that are sold with configured, customized software, for a machines specific purpose. Support for this product will be online and in coordination with the OEM. This software will also be integrated into some hardware devices that are connected to PLC’s or CNC controllers. This is not a retail product and does not have a retail price.

Mach4 Hobby – A full featured software version to be marketed toward those interested in using CNC machinery for their own personal /non-business use. End-user support is limited to e-mail and online forums. Add-ons, expandability, and updates will be available. This version is the direct replacement for Mach3. The expected retail price is $200.

Mach4 Industrial – A full featured software version with greatly expanded customer support, including phone support for customers in a manufacturing environment where every second counts. The expected retail price is $1,000 – $2,000 depending on if/how we develop a service contract.

> Because these products are completely new and took extensive development, we are unable to offer an upgrade from Mach3. When Mach4 goes on sale, we will offer it at a discount rate and hope our current customer are able to take advantage of the offer.

*Customized or OEM versions will be offered for each of the products listed above.

磊磊映画 发表于 2014-5-26 18:56:25


ifuleu 发表于 2014-5-26 19:06:09


armok 发表于 2014-5-26 19:12:30

AllEle 发表于 2014-5-26 19:39:34


duanyz 发表于 2014-5-27 10:14:55


iixin 发表于 2014-5-27 21:48:14


lnso 发表于 2014-6-30 11:49:01


starli 发表于 2014-6-30 11:52:34


wzj200506 发表于 2014-7-10 12:18:50

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