Jason.zhou 发表于 2017-5-11 21:03:15


这个网站和大家经常用的淘宝网京东有些差别,平时当你搜索不到型号的时候 ,就放弃了。

但是在芯间电子采购网上(www.zaixinjian.com),首先搜索的时候 你是不是搜索一个完整的型号,我们搜素规律是从前往后匹配,所以尽量不要省略前面的开头,这点很重要

其次你搜索不到的型号时候,我们会有相关的团队进行添加,如果你很急着要结果,可以添加客服QQ ,客服会在5分钟时间内,收集优秀的供应商和价格给你,并给你采购建议。


funnynypd 发表于 2017-5-11 21:45:49

本帖最后由 funnynypd 于 2017-5-11 21:48 编辑

How soon can this web service last?

How do you make a profit?
If no profit, how do you survive. You still need bread for a daily life.

落叶知秋 发表于 2017-5-11 21:50:00

funnynypd 发表于 2017-5-11 21:45
How soon can this web service last?

>我们坚守无差价代购,我们采购价格和出货价格一致,可以申请公开进 ...


funnynypd 发表于 2017-5-11 21:57:11

It is very hard to sort out fake components.
USA government and companies spend billions of US$, still no way to prevent it from happening.

Jason.zhou 发表于 2017-5-11 22:27:01

funnynypd 发表于 2017-5-11 21:57
It is very hard to sort out fake components.
USA government and companies spend billions of US$, sti ...

Even for Amazon, it's not feasible to always prevent fake items to be sold
We've got 10+ years in the industry and are very skilled & experienced. Quality deposits are required for vendors who join us, so the risk of getting fake ICs is minimized

Jason.zhou 发表于 2017-5-11 22:28:31

funnynypd 发表于 2017-5-11 21:57
It is very hard to sort out fake components.
USA government and companies spend billions of US$, sti ...

Yes it's hard to identify fake items only by examining the components themselves. That's why controlling distribution channel is of vital importance

lvyi913 发表于 2017-5-11 22:37:53

Jason.zhou 发表于 2017-5-11 22:28
Yes it's hard to identify fake items only by examining the components themselves. That's why contr ...


freezing 发表于 2017-5-12 10:16:33

首页banner第二三张是什么鬼.. 元器件专业网站放英语培训跟代理注册的广告...

himan 发表于 2017-5-15 20:49:03

海立 SS05U这个做不做

sweet_136 发表于 2017-5-20 14:31:52

问下版主. 如果我想买TLC5615CDR这个IC ,该怎么买呢? 点里面的QQ,然后QQ和他们说? 然后他们发货到付给我?

Jason.zhou 发表于 2017-5-20 14:48:59

sweet_136 发表于 2017-5-20 14:31
问下版主. 如果我想买TLC5615CDR这个IC ,该怎么买呢? 点里面的QQ,然后QQ和他们说? 然后他们发货到付给 ...

加我的QQ, 我们平台帮你代购,这样保险 QQ:2938492659
页: [1]
查看完整版本: 在芯间采购网上搜不到的型号怎么办呢