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发表于 2012-4-16 20:00:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
          相当有成就感——很多国外的原版书籍就是这种风格。典型的有《The Art of Assemble》、《Algorithms in
          C》、《Operation System》、《Sams - C++ Primer Plus》。



发表于 2012-4-22 23:48:12 | 显示全部楼层
Beginning VB 2008: From Novice to Professional
作者:Christian Gross
出版日期:February 11, 2008
ISBN:ISBN-10: 1590599381 ISBN-13: 978-1590599389

Product Description

This book is for anyone who wants to write good Visual Basic 2008 code – even if you have never programmed before.

Writing good code can be a challenge, there are so many options, especially in a language like Visual Basic. If you want to really get the best from a programming language you need to know which features work best in which situations and understand their strengths and weaknesses. It is this understanding that makes the difference between coding and coding well.

Beginning VB 2008 has been written to teach you how to use the Visual Basic programming language to solve problems. From the earliest chapters, and from the first introductory concepts, you’ll be looking at real-world programming challenges and learning how Visual Basic can be used to overcome them. As you progress through the book the problems become more involved and interesting while the solutions become correspondingly more complex and powerful as Visual Basic features interact to achieve the results that you want.

By the time you’ve finished reading this book and worked through the sample exercises, you’ll be a confident and very competent Visual Basic programmer. You will still have many explorations of the .NET Framework API to look forward to in your future career, but you will have a firm foundation to build from and you will know exactly where to go to find the things that you need to progress confidently in your projects.

Christian Gross is dedicated to helping his readers understand every detail of Beginning VB 2008 and so you can contact him via SKYPE (christianhgross) if you have bought this book and have a question about something Christian discusses. If Christian is available when you contact him, he will even try to answer you right away!

What you’ll learn
Become skilled in the Visual Basic 2008 programming language.
Learn everything you need to begin building your own applications in a solid, well–considered way: this book will teach you .NET coding from the ground up.
Use the Visual Studio IDE to create, debug, and deploy your applications.
Understand the mysteries of database access and the many ways that it can be accomplished from VB.
Delve deeply into the huge range of supporting technologies that the .NET Framework offers: LINQ, ASP.NET AJAX, ADO.NET 3.0, WPF, WCF, and Windows Workflow are all introduced and explained in a straightforward and easy-to-follow way.
Who is this book for?
This book is for anyone who’s just starting out to learn about Visual Basic 2008. It doesn’t assume any prior knowledge of object–oriented programming, of the .NET Framework, or of coding in general. It simply assumes that you’re an intelligent person who wants to learn and starts the journey from there.

About the Apress Beginning Series
The Beginning series from Apress is the right choice to get the information you need to land that crucial entry–level job. These books will teach you a standard and important technology from the ground up because they are explicitly designed to take you from “novice to professional.” You’ll start your journey by seeing what you need to know—but without needless theory and filler. You’ll build your skill set by learning how to put together real–world projects step by step. So whether your goal is your next career challenge or a new learning opportunity, the Beginning series from Apress will take you there—it is your trusted guide through unfamiliar territory!

About the Author
Christian Gross is a consultant with vast experience in the client/server world. He has consulted for Microsoft on DNA solutions, and he has held consulting positions with Daimler Benz, Microsoft, NatWest, and other major corporations. Gross was a contributor to Professional Active Server Pages, Professional SQL Server 6.5 Administration, Professional NT Internet Information Server Administration, and Programming Microsoft Windows 2000 Unleashed. He is the author of A Programmer’s Introduction to Windows DNA.

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