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发表于 2012-4-16 23:51:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 huayuliang 于 2012-4-16 23:54 编辑

Nut/OS 的 CortexM3 开发终于到 trunk 了。。

[En-Nut-Discussion] Merge of CortexM3 development back to the trunk

Ole Reinhardt ole.reinhardt@embedded-it.de
发送至 en-nut-discuss., Harald

Hi all,

if somebody might not yet have noticed, there was lots of development ongoing during the past year to port Nut/OS to several Cortex M3 architectures.

In the meantime we have implemented support for

- STM32 (STM)
- LPC17xx (NXP)
- SAM3 (Atmel)

The development took place aside from the main development trunk in the branches/devnut_m3n branch.

Now the time has come to merge all the development effort back to trunk.

Therefor I created branches/dev_cm3_integration

as a fresh copy of trunk and spend lot efforts to merge the changes from devnut_m3n into this new branch. Now this new tree is in a state where at least the compilation of all architectures I could test by my own does not throw any errors.

So my appeal to all developers and maintainers of the different platforms / boards, please try to build this tree and test it on your hardware to check if I broke anything.

Especially Ulrich and Uwe: Could you please test the changes on your boards? There had been some updates there too.

There were only little changes on existing platforms but a few bigger ones. These are:

- TWI: Ulrich implemented a new TWI (bus) API, which allows you to have several TWI busses at the same time.
          Therefor we had to extend the existing API for all platforms accordingly. Some macros ensure, that the new API is still compatible with the existing one.

- Network drivers / generic PHY API:
      There is a new driver: nut/dev/phy.c
      It is a generic phy driver implementation. We modified the existing DM9000 and ARM EMAC drivers to make use of the new PHY driver api

- Some minor changes in the RTC implementations that does not change the user RTC api

In general no big problems should arise.

If all platforms had been successfully tested, and if there are no arguments against, I will do a

svn merge -reintegrate

of the dev_cm3_integration tree back to the trunk.

So I'm waiting for your comments and bug reports :-)

Best regards,

Ole Reinhardt


Thermotemp GmbH, Embedded-IT

Embedded Hard-/ Software and Open Source Development,
Integration and Consulting



发表于 2012-5-5 09:29:20 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2013-4-20 21:35:18 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2013-4-20 22:46:23 | 显示全部楼层
nut/os 有什么特点?
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